A breif history lesson

15/12/2017 14:00

Light and Dark began somewhere in the early-nineties and had been an idea to capture the ideas and events which happened in my life. Somewhere between the mid- to late- nineties this migrated onto the internet using the personal webspace obtained from my ISP.

By the time 1998 had arrived I had decided to dedicate my web pages to the then Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaign I was running, shortly added to by a small Warhammer 40K campaign I was in. This was updated (sporadically) until 2002 when I met a really nice girl. It seems I was more interested in chasing women at this time, the web pages (and most of Light and Dark) took a hiatus until about 2006 when once again I found that I had loads of ideas for things I wanted to share.

2006 saw the return of Light and Dark on the internet, chiefly filled by my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay content, but the content kept changing with other things I was interested in, including travel, making home-brews, and my music interests. 2008 rolled about and my old college roleplaying group more or less fell apart (although we kept in touch on a personal level, but getting together for a game never really happened) which brought another jarring halt to Light and Dark on the internet (although it kept going in the background).

2013 saw me join a local gaming group, and whilst I didn't get much gaming time in, this whetted my appetite for Light and Dark once again. 2014 through to 2016 saw me expand my roleplaying and tabletop gaming experience, and led me back to the internet, not only to look for content for the games I was playing, but also to provide content from my own ideas for others to use.

This brings us to present day, and once again Light and Dark is back. This time I am going back to the formula that worked well in the past, dedicating these pages to my gaming likes and interests.