Roleplaying - Play by Post

31/08/2022 22:39

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Play by Post

I may have mentioned previously that I am a massive fan of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP), and having run games through 1st and 2nd edition (and having collected most of 3rd edition but having no one to play with) it was a no-brainer to get into the new 4th edition as published by Cubicle7 Entertainment.


So far I have played WFRP 4th edition online in a few one-shots, and played in a play-by-post game run on RoleGate that eventually petered out so I was eager to get a game up and running myself. Of the various gaming groups I play with, there was a mixed attitude to WFRP with no attempt at a game ever making it past the first session.


With few local player options it looked like I was going to have to bite the bullet and set-up my own game online, although I was not overly looking forward to this as I feel VTTs can distract from the theatre of the mind gaming I love to play.

As luck would have it, following a varied discussion on a Discord server I subscribe, the talk was about the seemingly lack of well managed WFRP games, I was asked by the server admins would I like to run a (play-by-post) game for some of the subscribers on their server!

Of course - I said Yes!


Which brings me to today. I have a play-by-post game running on a Discord server, and this has been running for about six months. I am overjoyed to be finally running WFRP again, and although I prefer pen-and-paper around a table, the play-by-post gives me the theatre of the mind space I love.


I have a little booklet put together with some cheat sheets, player character details, adventure notes and background information (I am a nerd after all!)

I haven't said which Discord server I am running it on yet as I am looking approval from the admin team to allow such details, and I do want to ask my wonderful players if they are happy to have their antics posted on my blog.


I have been transcribing the action in preparation for future publication, and although the Discord chat log needs quite a bit of work to polish it up to standard, going forward I am hoping to release each Episode as they complete. So far we have completed the Episode 0: Prologue and Episode 1: The Missive.