Introduction to the Kings of War 3 Builder League

28/11/2021 17:18

Welcome to a section of my web pages dedicated to the Causeway Giants Gaming Group - Kings of War 3 Builder League


The last time I tried to run a Kings of War League, it fell flat on its face, mainly due to the fact that those people who signed up found it hard to schedule games. So why are you running another one you may ask? Well, with the pandemic impacting gaming (see here) there has been a real desire for folks to get back to the table, and with the way we work (and socialise) in the current climate having been changed, there are a few more people with little bit more time to spend a few hours pushing minis across a table.


Am I going to just re-publish and re-issue the old League rules? No. Having learned my lessons from before, and also trying to play other games myself at present, I am acutely aware that not everyone will be able to play a game 'when the league' requires it. As this League is more about having fun and actually playing games I have decided to re-write the rules to reflect the more casual nature of the Causeway Giants.


We are currently in Kings of War, 3rd Edition and the release of Clash of Kings 2021 was not that long ago. So far of the few individuals that have gathered together and shown interest in playing, some are unfamiliar with 3rd Edition rules, and so I have decided to run the Escalation League again, to allow those unfamiliar with the rules (or unfamiliar with the unit changes since previous editions) to have a gentler learing curve. The result should be that by the end of the League, we should all be able to field a full army and be confident with the rules. The overall intention is that should this leagure be a success, we could establish it within the group as a regular event going forward.


I have just about everything in place now, and after a few final cross checks I reckon I will be ready to roll the league out.