Global Crisis - version 2020

29/03/2020 18:59

The Virus - A short story

On the other side of the world, reports are coming in of the outbreak of a new strain of virus. From the initial news reports it seems to spread rapidly, affecting mainly the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. The death toll is low for this particular virus, but the speed of it's transmission hasn't been seen before. The country at the centre of the outbreak locks down the country in an attempt to control the situation. The reaction from the rest of the world is slow, politics coming to the forefront as it is a case of us versus them. We don't want to get involved with their problems, and we also believe that this will not affect us in any way whatsoever. We continue on with our lives as normal, no precautions, no forethought.

A few days later, reports now come in of the same virus in other countries around the world. Some of these countries are our global allies, some of them are our neighbours. The reaction again is slow, again politics taking control. Those newly infected governments play down the virus so as not to panic the populous, telling them they have things under control.

A few days later the first of our neighbouring countries goes into complete lock-down, closing schools and shops, banning mass gatherings, and telling people to stay in their homes. People begin to panic buy, shops are stripped of food, medicine and toiletries.

The first case of the virus is now reported locally. The government decides to wait and see how things develop. Cases multiply rapidly, and the dead are now being counted on the news, with each bulletin bringing in ever increasing amounts of new cases and an ever increasing death toll.

Panic finally arrives to us all. Some have looked to what our neighbours are doing, and isolating themselves for the duration, only venturing out when necessary and stocking up on supplies when they do. Others just laugh in the face of this adversity telling their friends and neighbours that they are overreacting, remaining at large and singularly ignoring the advice issued in other countries on how to curb the spread of the virus.

Things go from bad to worse and the ensuing outcry from the public finally pushes the government into action, closing schools, banning mass gatherings, and telling people to stay in their homes. The few who ignored advice still say everything is a overreaction, and continue to ignore the advice given to them. The government are now forced to legislate, bringing in new powers to fine and arrest people who are at large on the streets. Even those who have been prudent and were self-isolated long before any official advice are being stopped and quizzed by the police on their way to buy essential groceries or medicines.

Initial reports state that the virus, and lock-down procedures will last 3 to 4 months. The latest reports now state this may last for over a year, coming in waves.


This is no work of fiction, this is reality. Novel Coronavirus is here.

You may have seen in the News that novel coronavirus, Covid-19, is affecting daily life, and with sweeping lock-downs across many countries, many of us are now forced to stay at home. The social aspect of tabletop gaming is taking a battering with gaming clubs closed and people told to maintain social distancing. However, having enforced time to ourselves allows us more time to paint those unfinished minis, craft that scenery for your table, and refine those home-brew rules you've been talking over with your gaming friends. With new online services people can still get together to meet, share and discuss their hobby, as well as take part in online tabletop games. Some of us might even have time to update our blogs.


Myself and my family are all well, although I am still working (for the time being). Look after yourselves and remember:

Stay at home
Wash your hands
Maintain your Social Distance
Protect your Health System