Global Crisis - Covid-19

29/03/2020 13:32

It is 29th March 2020 and unless you have been living under a rock for the past couple of months, you will be well aware of the global pandemic of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) that has gripped the planet.

With increasing country lock-downs, it is taking a toll on the social aspect of the tabletop gaming community, but with an increasing online presence we are doing our best to maintain our sociability, with sharing our painting, building, and writing from the solitude of our own homes to those online communities for others to enjoy.

I am still working (for the time being) so I don't have as much time as some others do, but I don't have all the headaches that comes with work as it is much quieter as less companies are open for business so at least I can start to focus more on my gaming. Look out for more update in the coming weeks.