Introduction to the WFRP Campaign

21/07/2018 22:19

The following is information for players for the WFRP campaign. This information will be updated according to the campaign so make sure to check back here over the course of the campaign.
The WFRP campaign will be run using the 2nd edition rules. For those folks who don't have the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2e) rulebook, I will be able to provide them with relevant information at all stages of the game. If you want to purchase the PDF copy of the rules, you can head over to DriveThruRPG and pick up a copy there. If you don't feel like paying for the PDF rules you can always try a search engine for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and see what you come up with! The campaign will be set in the Old World, you can find a map of the Old World here.

Starting Out and Character Generation

I will place information here, on the WFRP campaign page, so that players can generate the core of their characters before I run a Session Zero to get all the characters finished off and put your newly fledged adventurers to the test! You can find the WFRP character generation rules here.

Points to note on Character generation:

  • All characters will be Human, unless you can justify the reason you wish your character to be a different race. 

  • All characters will be from the Empire, unless you can justify the reason why your character comes from outside the Empire.

  • No character may start with the Noble career. If you roll the Noble career as a choice from character creation, re-roll the result.

  • You must have a coherent background story with the reason you have left your home or job to wander the Empire - this can be fleshed out during Session Zero. 

  • You must have a coherent reason why you are travelling with the other party members - this can be fleshed out during Session Zero.

For players who have never played WFRP before, do not get hung up on the rolls you make on character creation. If you roll low, just take the roll, don't cheat. You will have more fun, and get more rewards, playing a character of limited ability than a character who is good at everything. I will review your characters before start to make sure they have all the same chances in the game.